Gambling task force member found…gambling

News on 19 Jan 2010

It appears that the slogan “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” does not quite apply to the southern US state of Mississippi, where disclosures embarrassing to a neighbouring state’s anti-gambling task force were made this week.
The often amusing but always well-informed website Legal Schnauzer reports that David Barbour, a former prosecuting attorney and head of Alabama governor Bob Riley’s anti-gambling task force, has resigned after disclosures that he won a $2 300 jackpot while gambling in….neighbouring Mississippi.
“You heard that right, folks: The man who was trying to shut down gambling sites in Alabama was spending his spare time gambling next door,” the Legal Schnauzer comments, drawing attention to the fact that Mississippi gaming interests reportedly supported Governor Riley’s 2002 gubernatorial candidacy to the tune of $13 million.
“It has been widely reported that Riley is taking extraordinary steps to stop gambling in Alabama because he is beholden to his Mississippi Choctaw boosters,” the blog notes, tongue-in-cheek. “Is it possible that Riley has been doing more than protecting the Choctaws market by scaring off competition in Alabama? Is he actively sending them business, in the form of his anti-gambling czar?”

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