Goo launches HTML5 casino floor

News on 20 Sep 2013

Goo Technology, a Swedish app developer, recently launched its 3D online gambling Casino Floor on the HTML5 Goo platform, claiming to deliver faster performance and better bandwidth utilisation.

The Stockholm-based company’s Goo Engine enables games to take advantage of 3D hardware acceleration on any device, regardless of the complexity of the graphics. Goo also uses WebGL technology, which accelerates the performance of HTML5 programs.  By combining the best of the two technologies, the company creates quality 3D games that are instantly playable, with no need for browser plug-ins.

Marcus Krüger, the company’s chairman, told GamesBeat recently that has attracted an impressive number of new users in just two weeks. The casino setting encourages players to visit different rooms and tables, where over 850 games are available without downloading or installing software.

“The launch has been a phenomenal success,” Krüger said. “We’ve actually never seen this level of user engagement and paying customer conversion in a new i-gaming launch before.”

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