CNBC – more detail on upcoming gambling program

News on 11 Dec 2009

The December 16 CNBC program on illegal gambling will include the online aspects of gambling and the current US legislative situation, according to a CNBC update published here:
Although the main thrust of the report seems to be focused on sportsbetting in the USA, the pre-screening blurb includes the following information: “From sports betting to online casinos to high-stakes poker, a high percentage of the betting is placed illegally, according to the soon-to-air report.”
The publicity release notes that the program will conclude with the debate over legalising gambling. “It’s an argument that is gaining traction in Washington and CNBC speaks with congressmen from both sides of the argument – Congressman Jim McDermott, a Democrat from Washington State and the sponsor of a bill that would regulate and tax online card games and Congressman Bob Goodlatte, a Republican from Virginia and author of “The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act.”
World Sports Exchange founder Jay Cohen is also interviewed as one of the online offshore pioneers in Internet sportsbetting who returned to the United States to fight the “servers offshore” argument in court and ended up serving a 2 year sentence under the outdated Wire Act of 1962.

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