Google Play to accept Android gambling app applications

News on 12 Jul 2017

A post on the Manchester-based digital agency Degree 53’s blog, written by managing director Andrew Daniels, informs the lifting of a ban on real-money gambling apps by the Google Play app store.

Google Play has long held policies that restrict all gambling content or services that facilitate online gambling and has banned online casinos, sports betting, lottery and games of skill that offer prizes of cash or other value from its app store but curiously tolerated gambling advertising albeit under strict requirements.

Google opening its store to gambling creates numerous opportunities for operators and a huge growth potential in Android products, Daniels opines, pointing out that the status quo forces operators to offer Android apps via their own or third-party channels, a more challenging proposition compared to hosting apps on the Apple App Store which makes it harder for Android users to find relevant gaming apps and more expensive for operators to promote and maintain them.

According to a Google communication to operators and relevant industry players, Google will consider applications for gambling apps, initially within its UK, France and Ireland Google Play stores, from August 2017.

Applications will need to be supported by relevant documentation including licenses for the markets the apps target.

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