Online poker ace invests in e-sports team

News on 20 Dec 2017

According to reports on ESPN German poker prodigy Fedor Holz (27) is spending some of his estimated $27 million in poker earnings on an investment in eSports, acquiring a minority stake in Envy Gaming, Inc., the parent company of Team Envy and the Dallas Fuel.

ESPN reports that Holz decided to invest after becoming friendly with former Envy Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player Nathan “NBK” Schmitt, who introduced the poker ace to Envy CEO Mike “Hastr0” Rufail.

Holz is quoted as explaining his involvement by saying:

“I like to invest in things that I’m emotionally connected to, because I feel that I contribute the most but I also get the most out of it. I like Envy, I like to watch, I like the way they build their infrastructure and team, take care of their players. And it was just a corporation I wanted to be a part of in some way.”

Team Envy was awarded the 2016 eSports Team of the Year at the NowTV ESports Industry Awards, and Holz wants to help the team achieve greater success by tackling mindset issues the young players might face when competing at the highest levels of competition.

He plans to use his Primed Mind app to work on this aspect; the app has over 200 minset coaching courses and recordings, and Holz and his partner Elliot Roe are to include specific eSports content.

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