Paddy Power in promotional trouble again

News on 19 Jul 2012

The innovative marketing of Paddy Power probably gets an extra boost in exposure from the publicity attendant on being censured by bodies like the ASA, but this week it was the Bank of England that took umbrage at a Paddy Power promo.

The advertising industry publication Drum reports that the company has come under fire from the Bank of England for its ‘Blippar’ app, which brings the Queen to life on any ten pound note using augmented reality technology….the first time UK currency has been animated using a smartphone.

After downloading the free Blippar app on iPhone or Android, users were able to ‘blipp’ any ten-pound note in circulation by opening the app and holding their phone over the note. An animated Queen, and other members of the Royal Family, then appeared on the screen and voiced opinions on the latest football issues.

Drum reports that the Bank of England has contacted the bookie firm insisting it withdraws the campaign; a Paddy Power spokesperson confirmed: “….according to the Bank of England we’ve broken the law. We’re not so sure about that, but given the absence of decent footie this month we’ll happily retire the Queen from punditry duties, for now.”

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