New Bitcoin online casino now live

News on 30 Aug 2017

After several months of social media tease campaigning the experienced Australian team behind Primedice has launched, a new Bitcoin denominated online casino with an adventure-based theme that has apparently been in development for the past two years.’s games have all been designed and developed in-house, according to Primedice. The software has not been licensed to any other casino and so the game selection on offer is exclusive, offering 12 diverse casino games that range from dice and blackjack through to plinko and blackjack.

Player retention tactics include engaging players by providing character rewards and achievment levels, a leaderboard, a choice of four language versions, player avatars, betting activity feed, tutorials and community chat facilities.

Primedice has been around for the last four years and can boast taking 20 billion in bets through Bitcoin transactions.

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