Spanish players to be checked against death registry

News on 14 Nov 2018

Spain’s gambling authority, Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego (DGOJ) has extended the features of its Player Verification Services to incorporate Verification of Registration in the RGIAJ (SV-RGIAJ), a new facility that will enable gaming operators to compare the DNI / NIE of players with persons identified as deceased (SV-DIF) in the Civil Registry of the Ministry of Justice.

The initiative, which has been launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function and the Ministry of Justice, will strengthen anti-identity theft measures.

Existing registration procedures require operators confirm identification data provided by a prospective customer with the DGOJ, who together with information provided by the Ministry of the Interior, confirms personal information and age verification.

Operators are then obliged to verify if the prospective customer is registered in the national gambling register with the Verificación de Inscripción en el RGIAJ (SV-RGIAJ).  The DGOJ by matter of course informs operators of new registrations in the RGIAJ.

The additional checks against the Civil Registry of deceased persons forms an additional layer in the process.

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